Published: 2016-04-16 Updated: 2023-06-22 16:50:11 +0200
MNT VA2000, an Amiga 2000/3000/4000 Graphics Card
VA2000 was MNT's first graphics card for the Zorro bus implemented as open source gateware for a Spartan-6 FPGA. It is superseded by MNT ZZ9000.

The VA2000 is a FPGA based graphics card for Amiga 2000/3000/4000 computers featuring high resolutions and color depth over DVI-D. It has a hacker-friendly expansion header for upgrades and custom mods and features a slot for MicroSD cards that can be mounted in AmigaOS.
The professional quality production version is a collaboration of MNT and Scarab Hardware, makers of the miniSpartan 6+.
- Up to 1280x720p HD screen resolution at 8bit 256-colors "Chunky", 16bit or 32bit color depths.
- Experimental 1920x1080 Full HD screen resolution if your monitor supports 30Hz.
- Other supported resolutions: 320x200, 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768
- Tested with applications like IBrowse, Netsurf, MysticView, PPaint, TVPaint, Frogger (Video player) and games like ADoom, Abuse, ScummVM (play Full Throttle on your Amiga!)
- Digital graphics output
- RTG compatible driver (Requires 68020 or better CPU)
- MicroSD card reader (use MicroSD volumes in AmigaOS)
- Uses 4MB of Zorro II address space or 32MB of Zorro III for graphics memory, the most on any Amiga graphics card
- Amiga Autoconfig(TM) compatible
- Autosensing Zorro II/III compatibility
- User upgradeable Spartan 6 LX25 FPGA core (flash from Linux/Windows machine via USB port)
- Completely Open Source:
- Recognized by latest boards.library
- Supported by Amiga NetBSD 7
- Reported to work on Amiga 500 and GBA computer with Zorro adapter and turbo card
Unfortunately, MNT VA2000 is sold out. You might want to check out MNT ZZ9000.