
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@125-239-58-43-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)01:34
- buckket (QUIT: Quit: buckket) (~buckket@uncloaked.net)02:13
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)02:54
- buckket (QUIT: Client Quit) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)02:56
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)02:57
- buckket (QUIT: Client Quit) (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)03:01
+ buckket (~buckket@uncloaked.net)03:01
- buckket (QUIT: Client Quit) (~buckket@uncloaked.net)03:01
+ buckket (~buckket@pdp8.buckket.org)03:02
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 246 seconds) (~Thunderbi@125-239-58-43-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)04:23
+ B[] (~Thunderbi@125-239-58-43-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)04:31
+ kaleun (~kaleun@2600:1700:6828:40::4e5)05:55
- pinoaffe (QUIT: Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (pinoaffepi@gateway/shell/lainhaus/x-cficqzrodqudljsq)07:20
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)11:07
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)11:07
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)11:11
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)11:11
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)11:21
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)11:22
- futarisIRCcloud (QUIT: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) (uid222239@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ucfxwqbnsnhasvpw)11:27
- B[] (QUIT: Ping timeout: 260 seconds) (~Thunderbi@125-239-58-43-fibre.sparkbb.co.nz)12:27
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)12:35
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)12:35
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)12:49
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)12:50
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:01
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:01
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:19
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:19
- erlehmann (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:48
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:48
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:52
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)13:54
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)14:03
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)14:03
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)14:04
+ erlehmann_ (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Disconnected by services) (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann_ (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- kaleun (QUIT: Ping timeout: 244 seconds) (~kaleun@2600:1700:6828:40::4e5)15:06
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)15:46
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- deltab (QUIT: Ping timeout: 256 seconds) (~deltab@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Read error: Connection reset by peer) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- JDGJr (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~JDGJr@
- _Bnu (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)18:26
- signop1 (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~signop@
- specing (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)18:26
+ JDGJr (~JDGJr@
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)18:32
+ signop1 (~signop@
+ specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)18:32
- adjtm (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)19:04
+ adjtm (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)19:05
+ adjtm_ (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)19:17
- adjtm (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~adjtm@80.red-79-150-248.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)19:26
- _Bnu (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)19:26
- signop1 (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~signop@
- specing (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)19:26
- JDGJr (QUIT: *.net *.split) (~JDGJr@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
+ _Bnu (~beeanyew@89-160-120-72.cust.bredband2.com)19:29
+ signop1 (~signop@
+ specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)19:29
+ JDGJr (~JDGJr@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ deltab (~deltab@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ Guest27931 (~erlehmann@
- Guest27931 (QUIT: Remote host closed the connection) (~erlehmann@
+ erlehmann (~erlehmann@
- erlehmann (QUIT: Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (~erlehmann@
+ mekeor (~mekeor@dslb-002-205-050-227.002.205.pools.vodafone-ip.de)21:02
srkmaybe if I invite enough people I get one for free ;D21:04
mekeorsrk: haha21:05
mekeoris the source of the website https://mntmn.com/ FLOSS? the link under the text "Reform Motherboard KiCAD Sources" is broken on https://mntmn.com/media/reform_md/2020-01-18-finishing-reform.html21:11
mekeori wonder which parts of the "reform" laptop are not libre or require non-libre machine-code to run.21:38
mntmnmekeor: hi, the website itself is not floss, so i’ll have to fix that myself ;)21:39
mntmnmekeor: the Nitrogen8M_SOM containing CPU and RAM is not libre. it’s documented, though (pdf schematics)21:41
mntmnmekeor: i’m in talks with some people about creating a OSHW SOM.21:41
mntmnmekeor: every LCD display has a small PCB integrated that is also not OSHW.21:44
mekeorhello mntmn, thank you for clarification :) an OSHW SOM would be awesome :)21:44
mntmnmekeor: and the imx8m’s DDR4 controller needs some ARCompact code for ddr signal training at boot, this is also proprietary.21:45
mntmnmekeor: if you want to use the HDMI TX, it requires an Xtensa binary, but it’s not required to use the system, only if you need HDMI21:46
mntmn(the binary runs in the HDMI TX, not ARM)21:46
mntmnthese are all binaries i know of.21:46
mekeorthank you for the very exact and precise response :)21:46
mntmnno problem:)21:47
+ exigirl (676c5ae1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.
- exigirl (QUIT: Client Quit) (676c5ae1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.
+ BritManuela (1fa69e22@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.
- BritManuela (QUIT: Client Quit) (1fa69e22@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.

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